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Fine Art “Reflections II” FA#8

FA#8   Mixed Media Art Work on wood.(sold)


“Reflections II”  : the text comes from Confucius Analects  manuscripts: collection of sayings and teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (475-221BC).

I found few of these books in a market in Bangkok ready to be thrown  into the garbage !!!! Some of them were used as wallpaper to cover metal delaminated sheds in market places .(1997)

They appeared to me to be important and immediately I thought that they could be part of an art project .

I tried to ask questions about the provenance of these books but I couldn’t get answers ….just interest by people who were ready to buy them from me !!!.

At this moment I understood that I had on my hand  a valuable  thing and started researching.

Their condition was quite bad . I could keep just one whole . The rest I used for my art.

Bamboo ,raw Jute fiber, gold leaves, ancient rice paper manuscript  on wood help me to create this piece of collage named “Reflections II”

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